Happy Laurie

Happy Laurie

Saturday, October 27, 2012

So I just rediscovered I started a blog years ago!  Hey cool.  So there have been lots of thoughts rolling around in my head that have yet to land on this blog.  Oh no, and we all know I have lots of thoughts. (Just check out my FaceBook, I'm a minute by minute FB'er.

My last blog was about the sinking boat.  Well my boat sank!  Sunk and is laying at the bottom somewhere out there.  But not to worry, all passengers escaped.  We all are alive and well and kicking. My favorite thing to say until I'm no longer kicking!  I would like to report there were no bumps, bruises or scratches but that is just not true.  But nothing that cannot be healed in time.

Okay enough about that stuff.  This is to be my healthy, healing thoughts since I just found out that stress is killing me!  No more, just say no to stress on any level.  Run from it kicking and screaming. Ooops there it is again.

So this blog is going to about laughing all the way to healing my body.  Please feel free to comment and make me laugh.  With this disease I just got diagnosed with I'm supposed to have a certain amount of laughter a day.

My funny of the day is this video and I want you to click and go watch it right now!  My Matt Son can do this perfectly and always cracks me up.


Keep rowing and kicking,
