Happy Laurie

Happy Laurie

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Back To Work

So I've been out of work for going on two weeks now.  Geez, with chronic disease you better have a doctor and company that has your back and both of my do, I'm lucky.  See we tried to lower my dose to make my adrenal glands respond and wake their sleepy heads up.  Uhhh, they said no, they need their boost so we will baby them a little longer.  Now I can be normal again.  Not sleep head Laurie with sleep head adrenal glands.  It's about time.

This week has been a busy one.  Getting my son on his way to getting help with his HF Asperger's is working.  I'm so excited.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel now.  He even seems happier.  One happy mom here.

And Megan and I have been getting her ready to head back to school, well home school that is.  Busy buying her curriculum for her Junior year in High School, no way!  And of course she has to have clothes because well, she's a beauty guru and you just can't be in your PJ's everyday even if you really could get by with it.

We are still enjoying Summer here and the outside late night hot tubbing under the stars, but not tonight because a storm is rolling in.  That's okay, our Florida vacation is coming up soon, yippee, the first week of October.

Well must run, have a couple of unboxings to do for my You Tube channel, come join me and join in on the fun.

Don't forget, be passionate about everything you do and live, love and laugh everyday!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What's real, doable and happening in my life

Okay guys, welcome back, been a while, yes.  But for good reason.  I've been on the road to healing for a while now and I'm getting there.  Addisons Disease or as my Endo calls it Adrenal Insufficiency is not fun, let me say that just straight up.  I've been dealing with this going on two years now and I'm telling you folks, I want this roller coaster to stop and let me off.  Basically it's like this, your adrenal glands control your energy that you have for the day with the hormone called cortisol.   Well if you were like me, sick always as a child and marrying the wrong person and being married to them for 23 years your body just goes in to freak out mode and you act like everything is hunky dory when really inside, you are a ball of stress and feel trapped :(  So it takes a hit on your adrenal glands because inside you are doing the fight and flight game like if you were trying to pull a car off your child all the time and still smiling while doing it!  Really?  Really!  

That's how I used to be, but not anymore.  I'm happily divorced from the 'drill sergeant" military man that made all our lives hell, going on 3 years now and haven't looked back.  I've dealt with the baggage and left it on the plane before it crashed.  Well I did have to return some bags to that plane crash over the past years but I can for sure say all baggage is where it's supposed to be, in that pile of plane wreck that went down.  

I'm being treated for my disease and great news, the Adrenal glands are waking up from their death.  They can do that it's just a long process.  I have to take steroids everyday, a small dose but my idiot first Endo started me off so high on the dosage 2 years ago I blew up like a whale, thanks!  Then I found Endo #2 that is super supportive and positive and her goal is to reduce the dosage over time and tell my adrenal glands they have no choose but  to wake their butts up. Man I love that woman, God arranged for me to meet her.  I really believe that

Now having said all that let me catch you up to my life.  I used to be a nurse but with this disease I'm trying to kick out the door, I had to come home to recover.  Well I'm not a quitter so I applied for a Work At Home company and got it, right away.  I have been with them going on 2 years and I'm proud to say with all the programs I've worked with them I'm on the right program.  I work for one of the most popular chains of beauty stores out there taking customer care calls.  You probably have shopped in one or their stores or ordered online from them.  

So this leads me to why I'm starting back to blogging.  I have just recently discovered my passion for beauty.  Now I always did my make up and stuff like that but I'm extremely girly girl and wanted to up my game, hey I work for a beauty chain, okay?  

Not only that I have two awesome teens that live me in a home I purchased 2 years ago that we love.  My daughter is 16 now and she is "the beauty guru".  I always looked at all the high end stuff she bought and thought, ehhh, I don't need that, I'll just keep using my drug store stuff.  Then it hit.  I got my first high end make up pallets and I'm forever changed.  I'm still trying to stay conservative and vow to but I have a feeling once this addiction hits, you have no chance :) 

Once I started ordering and buying high end stuff and learning from my 16 year old how to totally change my make up routine I purchased a vanity, never had one!  I changed my bedroom into my Paris beauty boutique and now I'm off and running.  

Not only that guys!  I also discovered monthly subscription boxes!  Yikes!!!  And I'm addicted to them as well.  Hey a girl loves to get presents and ones that come in the mail that someone picked out for you are the best.  Yes I have to pay for them but it's like Christmas every month waiting on them to arrive.  

Now let me level with you, when you are facing a chronic health issue you don't know when it's going to resolve, you work at home, you are a single mom of teens and you already played the dating game and happily quit that game because it was all the same thing, if I wanted that I could have stay married :) LOL.  Well you get where I'm going, a girl needs to have some me time, some fun and be beautiful for their selves.  Hey guess what, it took me a long time to love me, but I do now and I'm worth it.  No commercial pun intended ;)  

So I took it one step further!  I decided to start doing my own You Tube videos of my unboxings and my passions in life.  If you like go look me up on You Tube under my name Laurie Fike, you'll find me.  And you know what, I love it.  It will take me a while to get subscribers but I don't care, I'm having fun just doing me type things.  Yay me! 

And finally a little on my 19 year old son, he was a you tuber too and really inspired me.  I never thought I would be doing this.  But it's fun.  And my son is my first born, he was what brought me back to life in those dark, dark days in life.  And now it's my turn to be the light in his dark days, he recently found out he has High Functioning Aspergers and we are battling on to help him get up and running in life.  

I do have a lot on my plate but I love to write, I love to share my passions with others and just love people.  So welcome aboard my new, perfectly sailing boat.  It's bright and sunny out here and the breeze is amazing.  Well it's sunset, time to close for more but come back as the sun will be out soon and I'm be smiling and laughing telling you all about it.  Thanks for stopping by and follow me if you want to board the boat of our lives.

Living, Loving and Laughing, 